Reset – Day 15

Well there’s a hurricane bearing down on the state and schools are closed but I’m going to the gym. That’s dedication, right? We aren’t on the side of the state where it is making landfall so we should be fine, but she keeps getting stronger so we are already seeing that creepy pre-storm weather that make me wonder if I should have paid more attention to this thing. Oh well. I’m as prepared as I’m gonna be at this point.

I feel better this morning, though still a little nervous given how terrible yesterday went. I made an effort to drink more water yesterday, so I shouldn’t be dehydrated, at the very least.

I have been backsliding on my nutrition since the weekend. Instead of 80% good choices, it’s been more like 40-50% and I can feel it. It sucks having to work so hard for something that was not even a thought in my youth, but I suppose I can pout about it or get back to work.

My challenge today is going to be my attitude. I have to get my mind right.

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