Reset – Day 14

Today was hard.

Yesterday’s workout was weights, I was bench pressing and rowing like a champ. I felt accomplished and strong and energized. I came home and the day was just straight bananas from there. I was busy AF at work and couldn’t make time to eat, much less to cook dinner, so I starved all day then ran out to grab a burger because there wasn’t time for much else. I also didn’t drink much water. I knew I was in trouble when I went to bed.

Maybe part of today was mental because I slept on it all night, subliminally dreading. Whatever the cause, I just had no energy today and everything seemed so difficult.

The good news is that I got up early enough to prep the beef for the stew I’m making for dinner. I still have to chop carrots and potatoes, but that doesn’t take as long . I’ll start that stew around lunchtime and by dinner it will be divine.

Today, I’m going to focus on water. I ordinarily have no issue on this front, but we had a boil water advisory for a few days last week and the boiled water tasted weird so I didn’t drink as much and I fell out of the habit just that quick. Hopefully if I get well hydrated and well rested today, tomorrow won’t be so shitty.

The days are flying by and I’m starting to think that I need more than 30 days. I know Ralph does too. Things in me are shifting, I can feel it, but the shifts are slight and things like to settle back into their familiar places if pressure is discontinued. I feel like I should keep pushing.

The fact that I feel that way after having such a shitty day at the gym today says something I think.

2 thoughts on “Reset – Day 14

  1. Water advisory, geez. Might it be worth it to get a couple 24-48 packs bottled water from costco/Sam’s club and live on that for a while? Or one of those big water coolers. It would suck to boil water and have it still taste weird, ha.


    1. I picked up some bottled water after the fact to have on hand. I figured that boiling the water wouldn’t change the taste but I guess it picks up molecules from whatever you’re boiling it in so it all had this subtle metallic taste. I’m picky about my water.

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