Reset – Day 6

As I was titling this I realized I have to count non-Ralph days because over this period I’m only with him for 20 days. Day 4 was Saturday and I was tired. I slept in and later me and Em had some lunch then went to the flea market where I got some excellent boiled peanuts. Sunday I also slept in, then met a friend for lunch and tried a Pilates class. OMG, I loved it so much. I signed up for a 4-pack of classes and plan to go on Sundays. It was a workout, but not a strenuous one. Afterward, my body felt long and loose and my stress level was very low. I’m a fan.

My anxiety about today’s workout is growing by the minute. It’s ridiculous that I’m still stressing about it. Granted, I don’t know exactly what he is going to make me do but I know that it’s going to be hard. I also know that it’s only 30 minutes and that I will get through it. My brain is checked all the way in on this but my body is still in full panic mode. I hate it.

I’m in the section of Next Level where it talks about adaptogens and how they might help with some of the menopause stuff. I picked up some ashwagandha yesterday and took it last night for the first time. Too soon to tell if it did anything. I think it might take some time. I also grabbed some tart cherry juice because it’s supposed to naturally ramp up melatonin production or something. The book said I should have 8 ounces, ice cold, 30 minutes before bed. That seemed like a lot so I did half that and I can say I had no problem falling asleep. I feel like I woke up through the night as much, if not more often than usual, with hot flashes, but they were mild and passed quickly and I was able to fall back asleep with no real issue. Maybe that was the ashwagandha, because usually if I wake up my brain starts running and it takes a while to quiet my mind. In any event, nothing bad happened, so I’m going to keep taking it.

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