What’s So Funny??

I made it through another night out with the girls. It helped that there were more of us not drinking than those that were, but honestly, the anxiety leading up to dinner was greater than any feelings of discomfort I actually had. I didn’t even have a moment of temptation. One of my friends was drinking my usual, red wine, and I could smell it across the table and it was sort of repellent. This gives me more confidence heading into the conference tomorrow. I think it also helps that I’ve been listening to audiobooks about alcohol, and the science of how it affects your brain and body in the short and long term. Interesting stuff.

As much as I don’t want to travel, I am glad to be getting out of the house. My dad got a new phone several weeks ago, and there have been daily reports about all of the things it doesn’t do, or won’t do unless he downloads an app. He refuses to download anything because he feels like the phone should just do what he wants it to on principle. Also, he’s pretty sure everyone is trying to steal his identity. Hilarious, when you consider the amount of clickbait and fake websites he falls for on a daily basis.

Then, there’s the giggling.

The door to my bedroom opens onto a little nook thing that leads to the living room. If my dad is sitting in there (the living room, not the nook thing) watching TV, which is often the case, and I open the door, he giggles. I walk out of the room to do whatever and I get bombarded by questions about what I’m doing and where I’m going. I head back to the room. Giggle. The cats meow at the door to be let in or out, so I open it. Tee Hee.

I mean, it’s completely harmless and I’m glad that whatever I’m doing is so amusing to him but it’s super annoying. I’ll feel better after I’m away from it for a few days, but for now I’m very sensitive. It’s like every move I make is being watched and appraised. I am a fan of moving through my own space and minding my own business and this giggling bullshit robs me of that.

But for now, I’m safely in my bed, with a sleeping cat on my feet and all is well.

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